Monday, December 16, 2013

“Walking Routine” 12/16/13

Every year most of us make plans to do some sort of exercise.  Walking is the easiest and most common one chosen.  Why?  Because walking for exercise is the cheapest and easiest way to stay fit and healthy.  We can do it anywhere or at any time.  A walking workout routine helps us build endurance but our walk in life helps us build spiritual endurance.

So let’s talk about the Faith walk we take daily-the one that may be tested at any time.  Every day we walk among the enemy.  The workplace is more prone to this than any other environment. Let me clarify, NOT EVERY WORKPLACE AND NOT JUST IN THE WORKPLACE WILL WE FIND THE ENEMY.  We cry out to GOD and pray for this one to be transferred, that one to be placed in a cubicle far, far away.  Anywhere but where we are.  We ask for neighbors to relocate or other persons to be removed from our lives.

JESUS walked among HIS enemies daily.  In HIS praying there is no record of HIS praying for HIS enemies be removed.  HE walked among them without regard or fear because HE knew who HE was and who HIS FATHER was.  HE knew the power and authority that HE had and HIS purpose. 

If our prayers were answered and our enemies were removed, or persons we just don’t like or don’t want to be around, how would they be able to see what needs to be seen in us?  Sometimes GOD has us in a place or position so others can see who we are, see our light in a place of chaos and darkness.  Just think about how you react in the dark.  Even in the physical realm in normal conditions being in the dark puts us in a state of fear and unrest, it scares us.  Once we get to a light the light gives us a sense of ease and re-connection in our awareness and to our environment.  We like being in a place of comfort. 

The light we shine wherever we are is a good thing.  It’s also a GOD thing. Being with others that shine the same light is also good because we’re all going in the same direction.  But a place without our light won’t draw anyone to JESUS.  If we’re not willing to shine our light in a place of darkness, where is the witness?  Where then will the evidence of HIS love be displayed? 

Let’s not pray for the removal of the enemy, or someone we don’t like, pray for revelation in their mind and transformation of their heart.  GOD’s work in us should be seen in how we live in our work, at home, at play and in our community; even among those on the streets that we don’t know and people we have yet to meet.  The visual of our life may cause others to follow our lead.  The opportunity is always there to be the light on HIS behalf.  Let’s not fail to use every day as an opportunity to shine.  Where is your light shinning?


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