Tuesday, February 25, 2014

“Do Everything in Love”


Regardless of what version of the Bible you read whether it is KJV, NIV, AMP, ESV and countless others 1 Corinthians 16:14 all say the same “Do everything in Love.”

As members of the family of CHRIST, the Body of CHRIST, we cross over from the human family ties that we have with our brothers, sisters, etc. to a spiritual tie with our CHRISTIAN siblings.  The human ties that we have do not compare to or define the relationship that we have with our CHRISTIAN family.  Our spiritual relationship with one another bears a greater responsibility bound by New Testament teachings.

This very verse was among the foundational teachings on our relationship to one another as believers.  This verse prompts us, and should compel us to strive towards CHRISTLIKENESS in how we live, act and respond to those whom GOD has joined us to.  In our doing everything in love we would be presenting a true, mirrored reflection of CHRIST in every way including HIS love for all.  What does it mean to be CHRISTLIKE?  It means to live our lives, watch our actions, make wise decisions and be considerate in our daily interactions with one another as HE lived.  And this does not stop with us loving our own and other believers but this reflection of CHRIST extends to the non-believer as well. 

There is a void in the hearts of man and a sense of loss because there is a lack of CHRISTLIKE-NESS in the world.  Evil has taken hold of the hearts and spirits of many.  It was thought that this verse was one of the keys to resolving the problems of the people as well as the problems of the early church.  Doing everything in love can change our immediate surroundings and could have global impact today.

If we look around us we may feel the act of loving one another has become almost non-existent.  It has become lost in the cares of the world replaced by bullying, hate and disconnect.  The more technology that is developed the more disconnected we become socially.   E-mail, texting, phone answering systems has separated us from one another.  Love cannot be seen, felt or experienced in these technological replacements yet we chose these forms of communication over face to face interactions. 

Doing everything in love is the pinnacle of service to GOD without reservation and it is an unselfish act of putting someone else before ourselves.  But how many of us are willing to do  everything in love?  Doing everything in love is a concept that could easily be adopted by each of us but it takes a willing heart, a teachable spirit, belief and transformation into the image of CHRIST.   GOD in-
cluded the word love in HIS word because GOD knew the significance of doing everything in love and HE also knew it is something that could be achieved by faith.  After all HE is love and because of HIS love HE gave HIS SON.  HE took love to the highest level imaginable.

What would doing everything in love look like today?  It might look like no physical or verbal abuse of others. Or not deceiving those we know us and love us.  Or not cheating anyone out of anything or taking something from someone that does not belong to us.  Or not waiting for our sister or brother in CHRIST to ask for something that we already know they need.   Or not back biting to climb up the corporate ladder or the church leadership ladder.  Or freely feeding, clothing and sheltering the homeless.  Or being a mentor and encouragement to a single mother or a teenager.  Or visiting a senior or sick and shut-in individual in their home.  Or going to the local nursing homes spending time in the presence of those who paved the way for many of the comforts that we have today.  There were prices paid for each us in one way or another by someone, even by those who have prayed for us during our different seasons.

The negative incidents and activities that we are seeing all around us have gone from being isolated incidents to everyday occurrences.  If evil can show itself daily, why can’t love?  If we are to love like CHRIST did per HIS command it will be by choice.  To love like CHRIST requires action that is committed or omitted by our own will.  I am always looking for that happy, joyful ending; I am a hopeful believer and a kid at heart and cannot help myself.  Therefore, I chose to believe that WE ALL CAN DO EVERYTHING IN LOVE and cancel out some of the evil that is around us. 

As CHRISTIANS, love defines us.  Love is in essence the foundation of what CHRISTIANITY is.  CHRIST HIMSELF said in John 13:35 (NIV) “By this everyone will know you are MY disciples, if you love one another.”  Paul describes just how important love is.  He states in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (NIV) 1 “If I speak in tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or cymbal 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast but do not give love, I gain nothing.”

Love is mentioned in the Bible more than 500 times close to 700 times depending on which version of the Bible you are reading.  In the KJV, it is mentioned 508 times in the Old Testament and 697 times in the New Testament.



Monday, February 17, 2014

“How Heavy is Your Cross?”

There are many people in the Bible that played a pivotal role in history and some of their names were not mentioned but their circumstance or actions were.  For instance, the woman with the issue of blood, the woman at the well and the widow that provided bread for Elijah.  These women’s names were never given, but their roles have been echoed throughout history.  Their stories are among the most remembered by CHRISTIANS.  But more than 2000 years ago Simon of Cyrene marked his place in history that has not only been documented in three of the four gospels, but has been seen in many pictures of JESUS carrying HIS cross walking the path to Golgotha with Simon walking behind JESUS carrying the cross. 

During that time in history it was a custom for the condemned man that was to be crucified to carry his cross to the location of the crucifixion.  And for any man regardless or his size and weight this feat was one that was almost impossible.  My research suggests that the crossbeam weighed between 200-300 lbs. JESUS had been beaten, physical abused and was dealt trauma to HIS body that no human being could endure but JESUS.  HE could not bear the weight of the cross. 

GOD had a plan and purpose, JESUS came to save the world 1 Timothy 1:15 (NIRV) “Here is a saying that you can trust.  It should be accepted completely.  CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners”.  And I am the worst sinner of all”.  HE also came to be a mediator.       1 Timothy 2:5 (NIRV) “There is only one GOD.  And there is only one go-between for GOD and human beings.  HE is the man CHRIST JESUS”.

GOD set the stage for Simon to play a role that would be remembered as long as the world survives.  Simon was in the crowd, watching with hundreds of others.  He probably had no idea that he would be called upon to become one of the most well-known figures during JESUS crucifixion.  He was like most people who find themselves in a situation like that where chaos breaks out and they find themselves a spectator of something they have no control over.  He probably did not want to get involved on any level, he just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time.  And then it happened, a Roman soldier seized and forced Simon to carry the cross.  The Romans had the authority to call upon anyone they pleased for whatever they pleased, therefore saying no was not an option and the rest as they say is history. 

At any time during that journey, JESUS could have called thousands of angels to rescue HIM but HE chose to continue the journey and pay the price for our sins.  There is no indication on what Simon may have been thinking as he carried the cross behind JESUS. 

I believe every word, sentence, verse, paragraph and book of the Bible is relevant.  I believe the stories and the way the stories played out were designed and divine in nature.  I believe that the fact that GOD inspired this incident to be recorded as all scripture is was for a reason.  JESUS fell under the weight of HIS cross and Simon was there to carry it.  We have become so independent in our living, we strive to be men and women in our own right, we do not ask for help or feel we need help, and we feel everything we have we have attained on our own.  This is not so. 

We were never meant to live alone and especially never meant to carry our own cross and certainly we were never meant to be independent of CHRIST.  We were meant to lean and depend on HIM and this includes us allowing HIM to help us carry our cross.  None of us can carry the cross we are to bear as we follow JESUS without HIS divine intervention.   What makes us think that we can bear the weight?  When we think we can do it on our own we will struggle over and over and over again until we learn the lesson.  It is not until we are at our breaking point, face down and at our lowest point that we come to understand that it is not by our might, strength, or any miniscule power that we possess that will enable us to carry the load.  JESUS said it all when HE said “Without me ye can do nothing” John 15:5.

The crosses we bare are meant to show who we really are and who we are not. We can become crushed under the weight.  The cross is meant to destroy all of our human effort.  It is not until we understand our weakness, swallow our pride, give in, give up and yes even sometimes become broken, that we finally ask for GOD’s help and find peace.  No one can be both weak and strong at the same time it is impossible.  We are weakened because of the weight (importance) that we give to our problems.  We can only become strong from the grace and mercy of GOD.

We all have a cross to bear from time to time.  Can we be honest and look at our current cross?  Is there anything that is hovering over our life that can break our spirit?  Is it our spouse? Our children? Our job? Our finances?  An Illness? A habit?  Emotional distress?  Depression?  Loneliness?  Anything that has upset the balance in our spiritual life may be considered a cross.  Each of these things weaken us and puts us in a place where we realize that we need JESUS to lift up our head and heal our heart.  After all HE is the lifter of our head and HE can bring us out of whatever miry pit we are in. 

We were never meant to carry our burdens alone.  JESUS has been here with open arms to receive us to rest in HIM and give us perfect peace.  HE has open ears to ear our prayers and intercessions. HE has kept HIS eyes watch over us and has seen and counted every tear that we have shed.  So why would we want to remain weary and heavy laden when we can find rest in THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST?  


Sunday, February 9, 2014

“Name Change”

When we  name our children it is not always an easy choice.  It takes a lot of thought and consideration before we pick that special name.  Most times the name we chose is given after someone we know, something special or a special meaning i.e. the name Faith, Grace, Hope.

Biblically, when a name was given it was carefully chosen because it had meaning and significance but it also was a name that may represent purpose.  In our Bible reading and studies we discover numerous incidents where a person’s name was changed by GOD.  Although it was not always known what HIS reason was but the name change always lined up with HIS plan and purpose.  Any name change that GOD did represented a life change for that person.  The call on their life was redirected by GOD.  They had a new mission.  Their life, desires and character was changed forever.  From the very day of their name change, they became a different person with a new destiny.

Abram’s name was changed to Abraham.  Jacob’s name was changed to Israel.  Sarai’s name was changed to Sarah.  Simon the disciple name was changed to Peter the Apostle by JESUS.  Each of these people’s destinies was changed for life and each left a mark in Biblical history and present day history that still resonates in our hearts today.

We know their journey, faith walk and significance in Biblical history.  In some cases GOD’s changing of the person’s name did not come immediately.  Look at Abram his name was changed to Abraham “Father of many nations” but it was years before Isaac was born.

There have been many people, present day, that have tried to change their identity to become a new person, but in reality they are the same person but with a new name, everything else remains the same.  But when GOD changed someone’s name most times it was to establish a new identity.  Every action GOD performs is significant, especially a name change. 

Those of us who are believers have been given a new name.  We have been given the same blessing that GOD gave Abram, Sarai and Jacob.  But our name was changed by JESUS.  We were given the name CHRISTIAN.   We have been accepted and adopted in to our new family, taking the name of our adopted family as our own forsaking all others.  As CHRISTIANS it becomes evident that we are now heirs of GOD and joint heirs with CHRIST.  It does not get any better than that.  To give less recognition to our earthly given name and all honor to our adoptive name is awesome.

Abraham, Sarah and Jacob were given a new identity-we as CHRISTIANS identify ourselves with JESUS CHRIST.  We are to be witnesses, a light, the salt of the earth, exhibiting the love of GOD.  We have a responsibility to fulfill, uphold and protect our name change.  When someone has been given a name such as we have, and we cherish it as we should, much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.  We have been entrusted with a name after the name above all names, after the name that will cause every knee to bow and tongue confess, we bear the name of JESUS CHRIST (CHRISTIANS).  This is the significant event that has changed our lives, our character, our destiny and mission for a lifetime. 

Our lives have messages, if lived right, that will give someone hope for tomorrow but it does not end there.  Luke 10:20 says-WritingRejoicingWhat Heaven Will Be LikeNames Written In HeavenElection, Characteristics Of"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."  Our name change is recorded in the Book of Life where we find our hope for tomorrow, today.

Every time I put pen to paper (I write these longhand before it ever gets to the computer) and begin to write these blogs, it’s like I’m doing the most important one on one Journalistic interview of my life.  For those few minutes I come face to face with GOD in such a personal way, and am given revelation and insight, and at times conviction, so strong that I have to force myself to stop.  I have to remind myself that I am not the spokesperson here, I am just the conduit. The scales fall from my eyes, as did with Saul’s, and I see where I am now and where my destiny is taking me.  I sit at the feet of JESUS, like Mary, and I am ministered to in a way that allows me to bear witness with each word and phrase and continues to strengthen my faith in ways I could never imagine as it molds and shapes my perspective of what it means to live in CHRIST and be a part of this family.   I become fully reminded that my family name has more prestige and honor than the Rockefellers or the Kennedys.  That my FATHER’S riches go beyond that of silver and gold and my inheritance remains solid.  My blood line goes back thousands of years before me and will continue years after I’m gone until the day of CHRIST’s return.  I am reminded in such a most personal way how great is my GOD.  This is what our name change produces and it becomes the greatest legacy we can leave our children and the world.


Monday, February 3, 2014

 “Politically Correct or Biblically Correct
Which Do You Chose?”

Despite what people may say, CHRISTIANS are the majority NOT the minority in this country. The large majority of Americans 77% of the adult population identify themselves as CHRISTIAN with 54% of that number being Protestant and some other non-Catholic religion and 23% Catholic.

The US and World Population Clock as of 9:13 PM on 1/30/14 stated our population is 317,451,505. Every 8 seconds there is a birth in the US.  It would be safe to say out of the 244,437,658 a great majority of this number is the adult population.  A minimum 200 billion would be adults who consider themselves CHRISTIANS so why with this the type of  power in numbers and bargaining power why are we playing it safe as CHRISTIANS?  There have been laws passed, TV programming and other issues that we know is against what we believe and we have just sat by in the background and kept silent. 

For example the institution of marriage, the nuclear family, family unfriendly TV programming and video games are now bloodier than the grizzliest TV show and we have let it happen.  I know GOD needs no defending but our beliefs do.  We talk among ourselves in the work-place, in our homes, with our families, our friends but not in the arena that we need to be speaking in.  I’m just one person but I’m trying to do something about one of these issues.

Everywhere we look there is something NEGATIVE being presented in the newspaper, on the news, on TV and in the movies and entertainment industry.  Many times we see things up close and personal in many of the things we see people do to and say to each other daily.  We have been inundated with sex, drugs, murder, cursing, and actions towards one another that would even shame the devil. (Not really) but you get my point.  I for one am sick of it.  There is no balance in any of the areas of entertainment that has anything that lines up with our spiritual/Biblical beliefs and lifestyle.

Between the years 1994-2007 we had 3 faith-based prime time TV shows.  Touched by An Angel (1994-2003 with 211 episodes), 7th Heaven (1996-2007 with 246 episodes) and Promised Land (1996-1999-with 68 episodes).  We lost any chance of evangelizing on prime time, through meaningful messages when these shows were cancelled.  Whether it was due to ratings or the religious message, GOD’s messages were halted.  These family friendly and morally sound shows were in competition with shows that have little substance or morals for the past 20 years of TV shows and their themes have gone from bad to worse.  Currently there is not one TV show that is faith based and there has been no faith based shows since the last viewing of 7th Heaven in April, 2007. 

The movie industry is no better.  Between 2000-2013 there has been only 56 Christian based/faith based movies in the US out of the 3560 released.  There are no positive, healthy, faith-based movies available for release weekly like the worldly movies.  So it’s garbage in, garbage in, garbage in.  Our children, grandchildren, young adults, and ourselves are constantly saturated with entertainment that is socially damaging. 

I have taken up this cause and earlier this month I launched a movie ministry.  (You’ll get more on that later) and with what I found as I was researching for this blog, confirmed that I am on the right track and right calling. WE HAVE TO BAND TOGETHER AND SUPPORT THE CHRISTIAN MOVIES WHEN THEY ARE RELEASED or we will keep putting garbage in, garbage in, garbage in, and this generation will get lost in the garbage heap, and it will be on our heads.  Because we did not do anything about it!

I am boldly taking a stand and am calling you to action in 2014.  GOD is using Hollywood in an unconventional way and if we take this opportunity we can make an impact on the world in 2014 for GOD’s glory.  This is the heading that I saw on the website Entertainment on Wednesday 1/29/14:

Hollywood Declares 2014 the Year of the Bible
Russell Crowe is Noah. Christian Bale is Moses. Brad Pitt is Pontius Pilate. With pages of action and a faithful fan base, Hollywood is mining the good book for blockbuster stories.

In the next 11 months, beginning this month Hollywood is releasing a record number of Biblical and faith based movies, more than they have released totally in the past 11 years.  And there is word that Hollywood plans to continue with more of this type of movie in 2015.  Regardless of why they are going in this direction, it’s not important, but I don’t think it’s purely money because I have seen the box office figures for those CHRISTIAN movies that came out between 2000-2013 all coming in under the cost that it took to produce it.  They all were flops with the exception of  The Passion of the CHRIST.

I have a partial list of movies that are coming out this year and will update the list as I do my research and notify you in future blogs as the information becomes available.  As believers we MUST SUPPORT THESE FILMS WITHOUT FAIL AND TAKE OUR CHILDREN.  Here is the current list and schedule: On Feb. 28 is the first one Son of God, in March with Noah. in April is Heaven is for real, the Mother of God drama Mary and Exodus in December. 

In the past 16 months I have watched 140 Christian movies on everything from the early martyrs, the writing and printing of the King James Bible, Charles Wesley and the composition of his beautiful hymns, the Book of Matthew, and other Biblical stories as well as Christian drama stories about grace, redemption, forgiveness, upholding our faith, loving thy neighbor, transformation, and other life lessons presented like any other drama; interesting, thought provoking, heart wrenching,  stirring up emotions and some of them caused me to take action, take a second look at myself, my situation, and they reinforced my faith.  These movies have the same impact on us that the worldly movies do but in a positive way but with faith based themes and with spiritual foundations.

I have taken that passion that I have found to get the word out by beginning this movie ministry. My goal is to show 300 people movies in 2014 but I’m sure GOD will do more.  There are several ways this will happen: 1) in home movie parties, similar to the Avon, 2) one on one individual home movie showing for people who are sick and shut in, don’t have a circle of friends or just want to watch a good wholesome movie 3) churches (during the summer)  4) lending portable DVD players and DVD’s to families/individuals who do not have access to them any other way.  I have no doubt the movies and this way of ministering will touch lives.  For more info e-mail me at: degruyassociates@yahoo.com.

I truly believe this is our time.  This is the believer’s supper bowl.  We have a chance to win the game in the name of JESUS and restore hope for tomorrow by showing our belief and faith at the box office.


SPECIAL NOTE:  There is a cable channel the UP channel that has family oriented and faith based programming with some of our favorite past TV shows and new movies that they produce themselves.  You can also have access to FREE Christian movies on Youtube and http://christiansocialnetwork.spruz.com