Monday, July 28, 2014

Breaking News: “Proverbs 31 Woman Missing”


If we woke up in the morning to a breaking news story saying, “Michele Obama is missing”, the world would be in shock and unbelief wondering how could this happen?  Many people would be in prayer for her safe return and those with little or no faith would begin to talk about the type of woman she was, her character, her work with child obesity and the things she did behind the scenes.  And it’s also safe to say that every news channel and every available form of media would run the story day in and day out until she was safely returned. 

I recently was prompted by an article that I was reading to revisit Proverbs 31:10-31.  As I began to read it I realized this woman was like the superwoman of Biblical times and the poster child for present day Biblical truths.  These verses speak of how a woman of GOD is to be in her marriage, as a mother, in her home, in the marketplace and her place in the community.

As I continued reading these verses, I wondered how can a woman, any woman, do all of these things and do them in excellence?   Do them for a lifetime and a lifestyle?  And do them willingly without complaint? There was a consistent lifestyle, pattern and daily walk that this woman was to faithfully live according to the word of GOD. 

I was born in 1950; my grandmother had a principal role in raising me for the first 12 years of my life.  My grandmother was a Proverbs 31 woman.  She lived those verses in excellence without complaint and I always saw her respect, honor and encourage my grandfather, her husband of 35 years (by 1962) prior to her death in 1963.  There’s not one action in those verses that I didn’t see in my grandmother.  She was the spiritual matriarch of the family.

If we reflect back to the 50’s we’ll see most women of that era portrayed in TV shows like Ozzie & Harriett, Father Knows Best, The Donna Reed Show, Leave It To Beaver, etc. had women that could be perceived as close as you could get to a virtuous women.   As I am writing this it came to mind that there were lessons to be learned through these TV series.  But even as early as the 60’s the tide began to change and society began to see these women as being too submissive, too domestic, too quiet, too accepting, etc.  And then came Norma Rae in 1979, Working 9-5 in 1980, Baby Boomer in 1987, Working Girl in 1988 and First Wives Club in 1996 and we saw a whole new breed of women who were strong, independent and not the traditional matriarchs.  Many of these new breed of women felt they didn’t need a man and could gain success on their own.  These women made the women, mothers and wives of the early 50’s TV series look like domesticated, submissive, stepford wives and we soon saw the picture of the virtuous woman slowly disappear.

My grandmother was an inspiration to me, she is the one who planted the seed and introduced me to JESUS at the early age of 2 through Sunday school and her home teaching of CHRIST.  Because of my grandmother I learned as a woman how to dress, how to look, present myself as a child of GOD.

These corny TV shows were a vehicle used to show us women of honor, women of virtue and what a virtuous woman could look like.  Throughout my life there has been certain aspect of my life that has mirrored my grandmother’s teachings and character.  Things that I have kept close to my heart all these years especially when it comes how I look and dress as a child of GOD.  I’ve continued to realize how the relationship my grandmother has molded me into the best of who I am.  I always thought the memories that I took away from our relationship were the memories of us cooking and baking together, canning and making preserves, gardening, watching her sew, knit and crochet.  Listening to her singing hymns as she cooked or cleaned.  Our watching Kathryn Koolman, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Loretta Young and Bishop Fulton Sheen.  The best times of my life were the years I spent with my grandmother just being in her presence and I’ve thought fondly of each memory and have even tried to share similar experiences with my own grandaughters.  But I now realize the treasure that I should have clung to were the memories of the Proverbs 31 woman that I saw throughout her life. She was always consistent, never compromising and always a disciplined follower of CHRIST. 

The world has kidnapped and hasn’t returned the Proverbs 31 woman.  She has been removed through social interaction, dysfunctional family issues, divorce, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, abandonment issues, social media, television, movies, music and any other way that you can diminish a person’s character.  She has been missing for years and we’ve made little or no effort to get her back because we’ve conformed to the type of woman that the world dictates.  But NO MORE.  Those of us who are children of GOD have the responsibility of being a part of the search and rescue team that brings her back into our lives as well as the lives of other women.  How do we do this?  As single or married women we must continue to develop characteristics that mold us into the Proverbs 31 woman.  Our pursuit of excellence, service to GOD and our vow to become self-sufficient, obedient care-takers of our homes and GOD fearing women has to be renewed. 

We are capable of being all that GOD has intended us to be.  By faith we are strengthened to steward and maintain our households as GOD desires and care for our family and community.  The fear of GOD is where the search ends and the Proverbs 31 woman can be found. 

We all should read Proverbs 31 and be in search of the Proverbs 31 woman in us and then work towards the goal of full manifestation even if it takes one virtue at a time to attain it.  The breaking news story in our homes, marketplaces, churches, neighborhoods should soon read “ Proverbs 31 Woman Found Alive and Well.”  It all starts with you.  GOD BLESS

Sunday, July 13, 2014

To Be or Not To Be That Is The Question.


There are many things that we do that are easy in life.  Going to church may be one of the easiest things we can do.  We wake up, get ready, drive to the church, enter the doors, we are greeted and we greet others, we participate in praise and worship, sing, and in some cases dance, contribute through our tithes and offerings, hear the message, pray, fellowship after church and go home.  How easy is that?

Now, let’s flip the coin.  How easy is it to be the church?  Yes, I will ask it again.  How easy is it to be the church?  NOT SO EASY because of our mindset.  If you ask anyone what is the church?  This is the response you may get: a place or location where you worship.  And then there’s the ultimate questions we ask one another “Where do you attend church?” or “Where do you go to church?” or “What church do you belong to?” or “Where is your church?”  We’ve all been asked one or more of these questions and have also asked them.  How did we get so far off track?

The CHRISTIAN faith from the very beginning was never about a building.  It was and is always about the love that we have in our hearts and that CHRISTLIKE spirit that is needed to keep that light shining and that salt in the earth.  Personally I think at times we give too much emphasis on the building and less emphasis on our discipleship and our role.  The church has never been the building but for some reason we can’t seem to get it.  Maybe this will help clear the air.  In the Bible the word church is a Greek word ekklesia, translated means "a calling out." There’s nothing that refers to a building, structure or a place to meet in the Bible, but the Bible always refers to the people as the people "called out" of the world by our God who is constantly calling HIS people into service. The church that the Bible speaks of isn’t a building with a foundation, walls and a roof.  The church of the Bible isn’t a cold building made of brick and mortar or stone or any other man made material.  The church in the Bible is about compassionate people, loving people who are chosen by GOD to show GOD’s love and spread the good news.

The church that JESUS envisioned is a church of people and for the people regardless where they meet.  For example, the apostle Paul greeted the church—the congregation of people—that met in the house of Priscilla and Aquila in Rome (Romans: 16:3-5 Greet Priscilla[a] and Aquila, my co-workers in CHRIST JESUS They risked their lives for me.  Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them. Greet also the church that meets at their house.  JESUS HIMSELF confirms the church is the people.  When Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 “And I tell you that you are Peter,[a and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it.”  JESUS was clear; the church was the people, HIS chosen people, and the CHRISTIAN movement would never die and over 2,000 years later the church lives.  For centuries doctrines and man-made practices have confused people.  So how did we get here?  And how do we get back to what the church was meant to be?

JESUS said HIS church would not die.  Matthew 16:18 (see the verse above).  GOD has been calling HIS people out of the world, into HIS church to do a work.  To really be the church all we have to do is be the salt of the earth.  Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”  As the salt of the earth we are to be a preservative and preserve the world from evil.  And to be the church we have to be the light of the world.  Matthew 5:414 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” We continuously shine for everyone to see and are the light in a dark world we are showing others how we live as CHRIST lived and unconditionally love as CHRIST loved.  

The world is literally dying a spiritual death right before our eyes.  We’re in a world of the walking dead.  Broken, hurting people in need of hope.  When was the last time we’ve encouraged a total stranger?  Opened our arms to comfort someone?  Sacrificed our nail appointment to provide a meal, or clothes or shoes to someone in need? When was the last time we smiled at the least of these and looked past their visual appearance and looked at the story behind the face?  We all have a story and we all have a testimony but we chose not to share either our story or testimony with those who are desperate to know that they are not the only one who is in their situation.   

What is it going to take for us to follow JESUS in the 21st century like the disciples followed HIM over 2,000 years ago?  There are still miracles to be done, dreams to be had, visions to be seen and prayers to be answered.  Let’s turn our hearts and our focus off the things and the cares of this world, focus on the great commission and be the church.  It’s hard to be the church because it takes discipline, commitment, steadfastness, giving of ourselves, keeping an open mind and heart, maybe forsaking family or friends, giving up our lives as we know it and dying to ourselves so we can show someone how to live for CHRIST.  The stakes are high.  We can’t let going to church and being on this committee and that ministry be our legacy, otherwise we can add those things to the list of meaningless things spoken of in Ecclesiastes 1-5.  But if we become the church, begin to touch lives so JESUS can change lives, show someone the real image of GOD and the love of CHRIST then and only then will what we do become meaningful and become the most important role we’ll ever have this side of heaven. 

LET’S BE THE CHURCH-we have no time to tarry.  Darkness is everywhere while light is barely present.  It’s time to turn on our lights on everywhere we go.  Matthew 5:16 (NIV)  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.