Sunday, February 9, 2014

“Name Change”

When we  name our children it is not always an easy choice.  It takes a lot of thought and consideration before we pick that special name.  Most times the name we chose is given after someone we know, something special or a special meaning i.e. the name Faith, Grace, Hope.

Biblically, when a name was given it was carefully chosen because it had meaning and significance but it also was a name that may represent purpose.  In our Bible reading and studies we discover numerous incidents where a person’s name was changed by GOD.  Although it was not always known what HIS reason was but the name change always lined up with HIS plan and purpose.  Any name change that GOD did represented a life change for that person.  The call on their life was redirected by GOD.  They had a new mission.  Their life, desires and character was changed forever.  From the very day of their name change, they became a different person with a new destiny.

Abram’s name was changed to Abraham.  Jacob’s name was changed to Israel.  Sarai’s name was changed to Sarah.  Simon the disciple name was changed to Peter the Apostle by JESUS.  Each of these people’s destinies was changed for life and each left a mark in Biblical history and present day history that still resonates in our hearts today.

We know their journey, faith walk and significance in Biblical history.  In some cases GOD’s changing of the person’s name did not come immediately.  Look at Abram his name was changed to Abraham “Father of many nations” but it was years before Isaac was born.

There have been many people, present day, that have tried to change their identity to become a new person, but in reality they are the same person but with a new name, everything else remains the same.  But when GOD changed someone’s name most times it was to establish a new identity.  Every action GOD performs is significant, especially a name change. 

Those of us who are believers have been given a new name.  We have been given the same blessing that GOD gave Abram, Sarai and Jacob.  But our name was changed by JESUS.  We were given the name CHRISTIAN.   We have been accepted and adopted in to our new family, taking the name of our adopted family as our own forsaking all others.  As CHRISTIANS it becomes evident that we are now heirs of GOD and joint heirs with CHRIST.  It does not get any better than that.  To give less recognition to our earthly given name and all honor to our adoptive name is awesome.

Abraham, Sarah and Jacob were given a new identity-we as CHRISTIANS identify ourselves with JESUS CHRIST.  We are to be witnesses, a light, the salt of the earth, exhibiting the love of GOD.  We have a responsibility to fulfill, uphold and protect our name change.  When someone has been given a name such as we have, and we cherish it as we should, much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.  We have been entrusted with a name after the name above all names, after the name that will cause every knee to bow and tongue confess, we bear the name of JESUS CHRIST (CHRISTIANS).  This is the significant event that has changed our lives, our character, our destiny and mission for a lifetime. 

Our lives have messages, if lived right, that will give someone hope for tomorrow but it does not end there.  Luke 10:20 says-WritingRejoicingWhat Heaven Will Be LikeNames Written In HeavenElection, Characteristics Of"Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven."  Our name change is recorded in the Book of Life where we find our hope for tomorrow, today.

Every time I put pen to paper (I write these longhand before it ever gets to the computer) and begin to write these blogs, it’s like I’m doing the most important one on one Journalistic interview of my life.  For those few minutes I come face to face with GOD in such a personal way, and am given revelation and insight, and at times conviction, so strong that I have to force myself to stop.  I have to remind myself that I am not the spokesperson here, I am just the conduit. The scales fall from my eyes, as did with Saul’s, and I see where I am now and where my destiny is taking me.  I sit at the feet of JESUS, like Mary, and I am ministered to in a way that allows me to bear witness with each word and phrase and continues to strengthen my faith in ways I could never imagine as it molds and shapes my perspective of what it means to live in CHRIST and be a part of this family.   I become fully reminded that my family name has more prestige and honor than the Rockefellers or the Kennedys.  That my FATHER’S riches go beyond that of silver and gold and my inheritance remains solid.  My blood line goes back thousands of years before me and will continue years after I’m gone until the day of CHRIST’s return.  I am reminded in such a most personal way how great is my GOD.  This is what our name change produces and it becomes the greatest legacy we can leave our children and the world.


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