Monday, February 17, 2014

“How Heavy is Your Cross?”

There are many people in the Bible that played a pivotal role in history and some of their names were not mentioned but their circumstance or actions were.  For instance, the woman with the issue of blood, the woman at the well and the widow that provided bread for Elijah.  These women’s names were never given, but their roles have been echoed throughout history.  Their stories are among the most remembered by CHRISTIANS.  But more than 2000 years ago Simon of Cyrene marked his place in history that has not only been documented in three of the four gospels, but has been seen in many pictures of JESUS carrying HIS cross walking the path to Golgotha with Simon walking behind JESUS carrying the cross. 

During that time in history it was a custom for the condemned man that was to be crucified to carry his cross to the location of the crucifixion.  And for any man regardless or his size and weight this feat was one that was almost impossible.  My research suggests that the crossbeam weighed between 200-300 lbs. JESUS had been beaten, physical abused and was dealt trauma to HIS body that no human being could endure but JESUS.  HE could not bear the weight of the cross. 

GOD had a plan and purpose, JESUS came to save the world 1 Timothy 1:15 (NIRV) “Here is a saying that you can trust.  It should be accepted completely.  CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners”.  And I am the worst sinner of all”.  HE also came to be a mediator.       1 Timothy 2:5 (NIRV) “There is only one GOD.  And there is only one go-between for GOD and human beings.  HE is the man CHRIST JESUS”.

GOD set the stage for Simon to play a role that would be remembered as long as the world survives.  Simon was in the crowd, watching with hundreds of others.  He probably had no idea that he would be called upon to become one of the most well-known figures during JESUS crucifixion.  He was like most people who find themselves in a situation like that where chaos breaks out and they find themselves a spectator of something they have no control over.  He probably did not want to get involved on any level, he just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time.  And then it happened, a Roman soldier seized and forced Simon to carry the cross.  The Romans had the authority to call upon anyone they pleased for whatever they pleased, therefore saying no was not an option and the rest as they say is history. 

At any time during that journey, JESUS could have called thousands of angels to rescue HIM but HE chose to continue the journey and pay the price for our sins.  There is no indication on what Simon may have been thinking as he carried the cross behind JESUS. 

I believe every word, sentence, verse, paragraph and book of the Bible is relevant.  I believe the stories and the way the stories played out were designed and divine in nature.  I believe that the fact that GOD inspired this incident to be recorded as all scripture is was for a reason.  JESUS fell under the weight of HIS cross and Simon was there to carry it.  We have become so independent in our living, we strive to be men and women in our own right, we do not ask for help or feel we need help, and we feel everything we have we have attained on our own.  This is not so. 

We were never meant to live alone and especially never meant to carry our own cross and certainly we were never meant to be independent of CHRIST.  We were meant to lean and depend on HIM and this includes us allowing HIM to help us carry our cross.  None of us can carry the cross we are to bear as we follow JESUS without HIS divine intervention.   What makes us think that we can bear the weight?  When we think we can do it on our own we will struggle over and over and over again until we learn the lesson.  It is not until we are at our breaking point, face down and at our lowest point that we come to understand that it is not by our might, strength, or any miniscule power that we possess that will enable us to carry the load.  JESUS said it all when HE said “Without me ye can do nothing” John 15:5.

The crosses we bare are meant to show who we really are and who we are not. We can become crushed under the weight.  The cross is meant to destroy all of our human effort.  It is not until we understand our weakness, swallow our pride, give in, give up and yes even sometimes become broken, that we finally ask for GOD’s help and find peace.  No one can be both weak and strong at the same time it is impossible.  We are weakened because of the weight (importance) that we give to our problems.  We can only become strong from the grace and mercy of GOD.

We all have a cross to bear from time to time.  Can we be honest and look at our current cross?  Is there anything that is hovering over our life that can break our spirit?  Is it our spouse? Our children? Our job? Our finances?  An Illness? A habit?  Emotional distress?  Depression?  Loneliness?  Anything that has upset the balance in our spiritual life may be considered a cross.  Each of these things weaken us and puts us in a place where we realize that we need JESUS to lift up our head and heal our heart.  After all HE is the lifter of our head and HE can bring us out of whatever miry pit we are in. 

We were never meant to carry our burdens alone.  JESUS has been here with open arms to receive us to rest in HIM and give us perfect peace.  HE has open ears to ear our prayers and intercessions. HE has kept HIS eyes watch over us and has seen and counted every tear that we have shed.  So why would we want to remain weary and heavy laden when we can find rest in THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST?  


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