Sunday, January 27, 2019


Diva, prima donna, arrogant, self-righteous, self-absorbed, self-centered, full of yourself and any number of words and phrases that focus on self and people thinking of themselves more highly than they ought to.  All of these words and phrases exemplify some of the people that are of the world. But these are all learned behaviors and choices that are made. No one was born arrogant or self-righteous. If you don’t believe me, think back at the last time you saw a newborn, do you remember seeing any of these worldly traits?  Of course not. 

Believers, on the other hand, know we’re not worthy.  Even as early as Genesis, godly men and women knew they weren’t worthy.  Jacob knew he wasn’t worthy.  Genesis 32:10 says “I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant.  I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps.”  Jacob was richly blessed by GOD’s grace.  His recognition of what GOD had done for him made him more devoted to GOD and the things of GOD, as he humbled himself in thankful praise, “I am unworthy…”  There is certainly nothing self-serving about this.

Jacob after deceiving Esau out of his birthright fled for his life.  Greed set his life on a different path, yet throughout Jacob’s life GOD remained faithful, was with Jacob and kept Jacob wherever he went.  Was Jacob worthy or such devotion? such grace? No! And in GOD keeping HIS promise to Jacob blessing HIM in abundance, returning him back to his homeland, restoring his relationship with Esau, Jacob’s life had been forever changed from the inside out.  He was no longer a deceiver but was now at a point in his life that he knew without a shadow of a doubt that the he was never worthy of GOD’s grace.

We are not worthy of GOD’s grace, HIS love, blessings, promises or HIS sacrifice for us.  We must take time to reflect on where we’ve come from, where we are and where we’re going because this is very significant in our recognizing the grace that has been given to us along our journey. I can tell you for certain that grace can take you through the tests of time.  HIS love alone is priceless.

As believers we’re all the same.  The love of GOD, the grace of GOD and our unworthiness is what makes us family and binds us as a community of believers following CHRIST.  There’s no separation or difference when it comes to the fact that we’re all unworthy, we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD yet HE continues to extend HIS love and forgiveness.  HE looks beyond our faults, our sins, and our inconsistency in how we live and HE loves us anyway. 

Everything we have, everything we’ll ever get will be because of HIS grace.  It’s hard to fathom in our finite human understanding just how deep this is.  There is nothing about our mere existence that makes us worthy; only by HIS grace is this possible.

I saw this phrase just a few days ago and it stayed on my heart and prompted this subject matter and it read: “Even when I’m unworthy, GOD gave me worth.” Even when we’re unworthy of HIS love, HIS grace and HIS mercy, HE continues to give our lives value, merit, purpose, importance, position and worth simply because HE loves us.  Where would we be without HIS grace?