Monday, June 9, 2014



Most of us have been on a plane at one time or another during our lifetime.  The thought of travel is always exciting to get away from home, experience a new adventure, visit family and friends or just to relax.

There is one thing I think we can all agree on is the fact that the air traffic control is the most critical parts of the equation in air travel.  The air traffic controllers are responsible for coordinating the takeoff, in-flight progress of the plane and the landing.

Although we may love to fly there’s always a chance that we’ll be on a plane that will have a hold. Holding is when a plane has a holding fix and waits for clearance to land.  A holding pattern is a predetermined maneuver designed solely to keep the plane within a specified airspace. It is a state of being inactive or no change. 

Presently there are many of GOD’s children who are in a holding pattern, including myself, waiting for clearance to land.  We were on course, some of us doing well and others doing not so well and now we find ourselves in a holding pattern waiting for our air traffic controller (GOD) to clear us for landing.
I’ve been in a holding pattern for the past 3 years in different areas of my life and I will be the first to admit that being in a holding pattern isn’t the easiest place to be.  There are too many variables and questions and let’s not mention the requirement of patience and longsuffering.  

Holding patterns are not timed events.  We don’t know when we’re going to enter into a holding pattern or when we’ll come out of it.  There’s no warning, we’re going along with our lives minding our own business, following our dream or our blueprint of what we want our life to be, we set goals and timelines and then out of the blue we’re forced into a holding pattern where it feels like a lifetime of waiting to be cleared to land, cleared to continue on our journey, and to get on with our lives.

Since a holding pattern is a predetermined maneuver (by GOD) then anyone who is in a holding pattern has to realize that we have no control over the maneuver.   GOD’s got this.

So while we’re waiting for our clearance to land GOD is saying: "MY child you’re at a different altitude but it’s your attitude and your pride that has to be broken and adjusted." " MY child I’VE been chasing you for years calling you to service, yet the more I chase you the faster you run." " MY child, your heart for the things of GOD needs to be changed; you lack compassion and love for others and you refuse to serve." " MY child your love for the things of this world and status exceed your love for ME." "MY child I’VE been trying to have a conversation with you for some time but you’re always too busy to listen."  "MY child the choices that you’re making aren’t in line with MY will and purpose for your life." "MY child, I’m working things out in heaven to soon be manifest on earth for your promotion to a new level in ME, be patient it is on its way."  "Until you are transformed in these areas I can’t permit you to land."  There are some people who keep circling and circling and circling while in their holding pattern and never are permitted to land.  Because they just won't surrender.

Some of our holding patterns are caused by our own disobedience, resistance to change, hardened hearts or unteachable spirits.  Others are caused by other people in our lives who are purposely holding us back.  And some are caused by reasons and circumstances we have no control over.  But the best holding pattern to be in is the one where GOD is preparing us for the next season and the next level in HIM. 

In all these areas as well as others not mentioned here, GOD allows us to hover and wait in a holding pattern for a season of spiritual growth or adjustment.  The one thing about whatever holding pattern we’re in, this maneuver by GOD that put us in a holding pattern has definitely gotten our attention.  And when it gets to this point there’s nothing for us to do but believe HE knows what’s best and remain obedient in our faith and praise HIM anyhow.  In our praising HIM remember this:  The holding pattern we’re in has a purpose.  The holding pattern we’re in has a plan.  And last but not least, the holding pattern has a process. 

Deuteronomy 32:11-12 ESV: 11 Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that flutters over its young, spreading out its wings, catching them, bearing them on its pinions, 12  the LORD alone guided him, no foreign god was with him

These verses tell us that GOD is a disturber, a developer and a deliverer.  HE will disturb our lives and put us in a holding pattern in order for us to become developed in areas that HE requires for service and spiritual growth and then HE finally delivers us by giving us what we’ve been longing to hear “YOU’RE CLEAR TO LAND” but only in HIS timing.  Prior to our landing there may be a few bumps in the road or difficulties.  HE may close some doors to open others; GOD has plans for us that most often don’t align with ours. We either obey or defy and either fly like an eagle or die a spiritual death.

Our spiritual growth as children of GOD is always dependent on GOD disturbing us, developing us and delivering us.  We’re wired to fly by HIS strength beneath our wings as HE swoops beneath us and catches us on HIS pinions.  HE is perfecting us to be the person we are meant to be in CHRIST.   Get ready to hear “YOU’RE cleared for landing." When we finally embrace this truth then we will see HIS glory on earth in ways we couldn’t ever imagine.  We shouldn’t be too eager to come out of the holding pattern and land too soon or we may crash and burn.